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Monday, December 14, 2009

57th All Japan Kendo Championship - 3rd Nov. 2009

57th All Japan Kendo Championship - 3rd Nov. 2009

The 57th AJKC at the Nippon Budokan has just finished. As usual, KW were there reporting on the main event in the kendo calendar. This year, as we did last year, we brought you up-to-date information and results. See the tournament summary, tournament ladder, competitor profiles and Hamish's live feed below. Also, for those of you who do not live in Japan or could not watch NHK, we will be uploading videos to our YouTube page ( as soon as we can. (Finals and 2nd semi-final uploaded now)

Friday, December 11, 2009

Back At it Again

Back in the Dojo to get it right this time around have had a few sessions under my belt and the pain is just starting to wear off.I have a lot of support from my Girl so i can feel this is going to become an intricate part of our lives.only for more Keikos left this year before the Christmas break so ill try and get as mush time in as i can.lots of new faces in the Dojo which is great to see the club growing so much .ill keep the posts going as well as pics really soon.